

The grape variety is Lambrusco Maestri. Mainly planted in lowland areas (born from the inspiration of Luigi Maestri, a farmer from the plain of Valera in Parma) thanks to its characteristics of resistance to moisture, mildew and also for its generous productivity, it has proved to be an excellent grape variety even in the hills.

Here – where the fertility is clearly lower and there is no possibility of watering; guyot-trained with very strict pruning (only 7/10 buds on the fruit head) – it produces little, but with surprising qualitative results. The result is a full-bodied wine with good structure, considerable alcoholic content (12% – 13%) and decidedly different from all its colleagues. Also great to age!

It is a wine that goes very well with all our typical dishes: from cured meat appetizers to our famous first courses, up to even demanding red meat second courses. Aged 5 years or more, it becomes dreamy!

Recommended serving temperature:
About 18°C

Recommended glass type: